Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Download IDM 6.12 Build 7 Full Version

Download IDM 6.12 Build 7 Full Version, Baru kemarin kira-kira techno-comp Share IDM 6.12 Build 6, dan ternyata Internet Download Manager atau IDM ini kembali update ke versi terbarunya menjadi Internet Download Manager atau IDM 6.12 beta Build 7. IDM ini saya dapat ketika sedang mencari informasi mengenai Iklan Internet Murah Efektif Berkualitas Indonesia. Nah buat sobat sobat yang ingin update ke versi terbarunya atau bagi sobat yang belum memiliki Internet Download Manager / IDM 6.12 beta Build 7 ini, Langsung saja klik link download yang sudah saya sertakan dibawah ini. Internet Download Manager | IDM 6.12 Build 7 Full Version "Internet...

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Qronis | Animation Iqro

Techno-Comp - For techno visitors who have small children at home and want to teach reading the Qur'an at an early stage, maybe you can use the application Qronis ( IQRO animation ), it looks funny can certainly add to the spirit of the children in learning. Qronis is a method of learning a new recitation Animation IQRO approach, so that the learning process more interesting because it has an attractive appearance for the children. screensho...

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Download Game Nitro Racers

Tonigt Techno-Comp will share about game. Underground game you know? If you know then you might find a younger brother of the Underground games, the name of this NitroRacers NitroRacers.game entitled View Graphs and Almost as The Game Underground, with a small size he is able to rival the Underground games, but unfortunately the game is not able to adventure as well as Underground game, just racing and race - course, but if there are games like race super nice but small, this is the gam...

Sunday, August 21, 2011


TeraCopy is one of the most widely used tools. With TeraCopy this, we can copy quickly according to the device (hardware) that we have. The program can also apply the system resumes. file transfers, where with this system, we can pause the copying process for the device to rest that we have. In addition, TeraCopy also offers a synchronous copying process to speed up copying between two different hard drives. And more interesting on this program, when a file transfer error in the encounter, then this program will not totally stop the copying process, but the program will skip the error and tried it several times. Unlike in windows by default...

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