Friday, July 29, 2011

Download IDM Optimizer | To Increase Download Speed With IDM

IDM Optimizer is a useful addition to the IDM IDM to maximize performance so that it can add to our download speed. The advantages of the application made ​​by Agan Zmachmobile very much with the interface design or user interface is very simple so that people who are veryordinary though can easily do it, oh well to applications made by AganZmachmobile named IDM Optimizer.

How it works :
  • This program will create a new file in the directory that contains the name of the IDM Optimizer.exe IDMMax.inf that contains the script to go into the registry, trus-tweaking ngutak in HKCU / software / downloadmanager for performancemaksimalin IDM
  • In the registry, this script changes the value of Advanced Integration -> 1,ConnectionSpeed -> 999 999, ConnectionType -> 11, MaxConnectionsNumber-> 16
  • Whereas if you find IDMDef.inf file, then script it contains to restore settings to theinitial conditions IDM

Screen Shot IDM Optimizer

Here are instructions to use the IDM Optimizer 
  1. IDM must be installed on your computer
  2. After the IDM is installed, open the program
  3. Select Maximize Now! to optimize the performance of the IDM, then Restart IDM
  4. Select Restore Default to return to the initial IDM
  5. restart IDM

2 komentar:

itiu sejenis add on ea mas kunjungan di

hehe bukan om, itu cuman software yang mengubah settingan IDM jadi maksimal ^_^ CMIIW


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